About the Victorian public sector
The Victorian public sector is a 300,000 strong workforce employed by the Victorian Government to provide services and support for Victorians.
We are the people in 1800 different departments, agencies and organisations across Victoria who deliver services to the public.
We provide essential services and support for Victorians everywhere — in metropolitan, rural and regional areas. We are nurses, engineers, paramedics, economists, scientists, park rangers, school teachers, legal officers, youth justice workers, museum curators, police officers, firefighters and more.
And although we work for government, we are independent of political parties. We are impartial, treating all members of the community equally and fairly. And our advice to government is impartial, frank and fearless. It has to be, so we can be effective in meeting the needs of community. Read about our public sector values and integrity.
Overview of public sector employers
The Victorian Government has created more than 1800 organisations to help run the state. It is these organisations that employ people to do just that. So when you are employed by a public sector organisation, you are in fact working for government. And you're serving the community of Victoria.
The public sector has two major employer groups:
- Victorian Public Service — around 40 government departments, agencies and administrative offices
- Public entities — around 1750 organisations including 1500 schools and 250 entities such as hospitals, emergency services, water authorities, cemetery trusts, creative industry agencies, and sport and recreation organisations
See which public sector employers advertise jobs via this website.
For more information about the Victorian public sector workforce, visit the Victorian Public Sector Commission website.