4 days remaining
Location: Melbourne | Western Metropolitan
Job type: Full time / From 28/01/2025 - 26/01/2027
Organisation: Schools (Government)
Salary: Salary not specified
Occupation: Teacher
Reference: 1455367
KSC 1 ¿ Educational Leadership
KSC 2 ¿ Financial, managerial and administrative ability
KSC 3 ¿ Planning, policy and program development and review
KSC 4 ¿ Leadership of staff and students
KSC 5 ¿ Interpersonal and communication skills
KSC 6 ¿ Community Criteria
The assistant principal reports directly to the principal.
Assistant principals have a primary responsibility for the management of significant areas or functions within the school to ensure the effective development, provision and evaluation of the school's education program. In exercising the responsibility, assistant principals will have the authority to make all significant decisions relating to the program, budget and staff relating to their area of designated responsibility within the framework of the school's strategic plan, policies and budget. Assistant principals will contribute to the overall management of the school through involvement in policy formulation and decision making.
The management of significant school program or functional areas in schools involve assistant principals in the analysis of the needs of students and the translation of state educational policy and frameworks into appropriate education programs to meet the needs of all students.
Typically assistant principals will be responsible for the effective use of the teaching staff and program budget of a defined area of the school's operation and for the oversight and leadership of the educational programs provided utilising these resources.
Typically, assistant principals perform one or more of the following functions:
Appropriately qualified individuals currently registered or eligible for registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching.
Applicants seeking part-time employment are encouraged to apply for any teaching service position and, if they are the successful candidate, request a reduced time fraction. Such requests will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis and will be subject to the operational requirements of the school.
The Department of Education is committed to the principles of equal opportunity, and diversity and inclusion for all. We value diversity and inclusion in all forms - gender, religion, ethnicity, LGBTIQ+, disability and neurodiversity. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for roles within the Department. The Department recognises that the provision of family friendly, supportive, safe and harassment free workplaces is essential to high performance and promotes flexible work, diversity and safety across all schools and Department workplaces. It is our policy to provide reasonable adjustments for persons with a disability (see Workplace adjustment guidelines).
Additional support and advice on the recruitment process is available to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders from the Koorie Outcomes Division (KOD) via marrung@education.vic.gov.au
Victorian government schools are child safe environments. Our schools actively promote the safety and wellbeing of all students, and all school staff are committed to protecting students from abuse or harm in the school environment, in accordance with their legal obligations including child safe standards. All schools have a Child Safety Code of Conduct consistent with the department's exemplar available at:
The department's employees commit to upholding the department's Values: Responsiveness, Integrity, Impartiality, Accountability, Respect, Leadership and Human Rights. The department's Values complement each school's own values and underpin the behaviours the community expects of Victorian public sector employees, including those who work in Victorian Government Schools. Information on the department values is available at:
To be eligible for employment, transfer or promotion in the principal or teacher class a person must have provisional or full registration from the Victorian Institute of Teaching. In addition, from 3 August 2020, to be eligible for employment in the principal class or teacher class, a person who graduated from a Victorian Initial Teacher Education program after 1 July 2016, must demonstrate that they have passed the literacy and numeracy test for initial teacher education (LANTITE) requirements. This condition is satisfied where the LANTITE requirement is part of the Victorian Initial Teacher Education program completed by the person.
Learning for Life.
School Vision
Altona Meadows Primary School aims to promote integrity, lifelong learning and the attainment of excellence. The core purpose of the school is to provide a comprehensive curriculum for all students enabling them to reach their academic, social and physical potential.
Altona Meadows Primary School prides itself in establishing and maintaining strong and positive partnerships between students, home and the wider community. We are committed to supporting and extending all students to become life long learners and to reach their full potential.
We inspire our students at AMPS to be successful through demonstrating our three core values; Respect, Resilience and Striving for Excellence.
Comprehensive, developmental courses are provided for English, Mathematics, Physical Education and Sport, Studies of Society and Environment, Science, Technology and the Arts based on VELS (Victorian Education Learning Standards).
Emphasis is placed on the development of:
Literacy and Numeracy skills
Specialist and support programs designed to meet priorities within available resources
Curriculum and management support and staff professional development
Developing a variety of teaching and learning strategies to cater for the learning styles of all students
Many programs are presented using an integrated curriculum approach with particular attention to co-operative learning strategies and individualised teaching. Our school has also introduced a variety of extra curricula programs that include Buddies (Prep and 6) and guitar and recorder lessons, gardening etc. Our Clubs program allows students to tap into outside interests and learn new skills. Other ongoing programs to enhance learning include: Swimming Program, School Camps and Interschool Sport for Grades 5/6.
The parent community are encouraged to assist in all aspects of our school program. We highly value parent/guardian contribution and appreciate the established partnerships we have. Our parent community assist in all different areas of our school and encourage to provide feedback to assist us in the direction for our school.
Our school utilises a 1:1 iPad program in our Prep, One and Two classes to support learning. Our students in grade Three, Four, Five and Six participate in a Bring Your Own Device Program (Laptops) to enhance their learning and develop 21st Century skills.
Our school consists of 4 buildings. One building houses the Art Room, Multi Purpose Room, Canteen, Staff Room and Administration area. The three other buildings house 16 classrooms, our Library, Stephanie Alexander Kitchen. We also have four portable classrooms.
School grounds continue to be developed enabling students to spend quality time during lunch and recess breaks. These include a landscaped area at the front of the school where children can sit, relax and play in a quiet area where ball games are banned. Vegetable gardens with a compost area have been developed and these are managed by our school based gardener. All are encompassed within a 3 metre high perimeter fence. The school grounds have continued to be developed since the building upgrade of 2001 and these will continue with such areas as a sensory garden being planned in the near future.
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program
Our school is very proud to be a member of the `Go For Your Life¿, Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program. All students from Grades 3 - 6 participate in fortnightly cooking lessons in our purpose built kitchen as well as fortnightly gardening lessons.
Full time / From 28/01/2025 - 26/01/2027
Assistant Principal-Range 1
Emma Hampton | 039369-1288