4 days remaining
Location: Western Region | Melton
Job type: Part time / From 28/01/2025 - 26/01/2027
Organisation: Schools (Government)
Salary: Salary not specified
Occupation: Teacher
Reference: 1448709
Melton Specialist School has seen a significant increase in enrolment demand, which has seen many changes to our staffing profile over the last 3 years. We have a current enrolment of 403 students and anticipate that will exceed 410 during 2025. We have a real focus on staff wellbeing and ensuring our staff have the time away from class to focus on their administrative duties. We have flexible working arrangements and provide onsite training for all staff for TEACCH and Behaviour Support.
In 2021 we introduced the Wellbeing Dog Program into the school. Bunji, our school dog, works with staff and students and his primary objective is to have fun at school! Bunji does everything from Bus Duty in the morning to School Tours to walking excursions. His introduction to our School Community has had an extremely positive impact.
Melton Specialist School provides educational programs for students with disabilities at both primary and secondary levels in a positive, caring and safe environment. It is a dual mode setting, catering for students with mild through to severe intellectual disabilities and other associated disabilities like Autism. Students are transported to our school via bus or family transport. The school is closely located to other schools as well as a variety of community retail spaces, leisure and recreational facilities. Our school environment is comprised of traditional classrooms, specialist and vocational training classrooms, therapy spaces and indoor sensory areas. Our grounds feature natural gardens, purpose built outdoor sensory areas, playground equipment, sports facilities and covered walkways. Teachers and Educational Support staff make extensive use of a wide variety of resources to ensure all students have an educational journey that is positive and successful. Our school¿s philosophy and programs are based upon the belief that children learn best in a structured environment that is safe, challenging and supportive with a school-wide focus on Positive Behaviour Support. Across the school we implement Structured TEACCHing and provide onsite training for staff to implement this approach to teaching and learning. We provide programs in Arts, Literacy, Physical Education, Numeracy, Information Technology, Science and Life Skills. Senior students also have the option of accessing a VCAL or ASDAN program which aim to develop work related skills, travel education and personal development skills. Student Support Group meetings involving staff, parents, carers and our Allied Health team are held four times a year to formulate individual learning goals based on each student¿s ability, strengths and needs and celebrate achievements towards these goals
Stage two of a four-stage rebuilding project has recently been completed and we have some amazing new teaching spaces including our very own Mini Woolies. Stage one was completed in 2019. Through our Improvement plans, the school aims to develop a change in the culture of the school where roles are clarified, structures and processes are developed and embedded, and an expectation on consistent practice and developing expertise is expected in all staff.
Our vision
Staff at Melton Specialist School believe in creating a nurturing environment where students are empowered to achieve their full potential, be that in the academic curriculum, in their social interactions or in the area of independent living skills. Increasing student independence and creating an engaging learning environment is foremost when staff plan and implement individual programs.
Our values
Melton Specialist School values the safety, health and wellbeing of its students, staff and community. The cornerstone of education for the students who attend our school relies on the partnerships that are formed between families, the school and agencies outside of the school. At this school, we respect student diversity and we acknowledge that all students can learn in their respective manner. Staff have a responsibility to ensure that student learning is engaging and relevant to the individual. Students in the school demonstrate their responsibility by trying their best in their academic, social and personal interactions.
We are a School Wide Positive Behaviour Support School.
School-wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) is an evidence-based framework for preventing and responding to student behaviour. It aims to create a positive school climate, a culture of student competence and an open, responsive management system for all school community members. It includes analysis of data in professional learning teams, implementation of evidence based practices and organisational systems for establishing safe, purposeful and inclusive school and classroom learning environments while providing the individual behaviour and learning supports needed to achieve academic and social success for all students.
Our school purpose is supported by the following school values that are central to the life of the school.
Be Responsible - Be Respectful - Be Safe
SC1 Capacity to undertake routine support tasks across a range of functions in one or more work areas within a school environment.
SC2 Demonstrated capacity to communicate effectively with members of the school community including students and the capacity to provide support and/or attendant care to students where necessary.
SC3 Demonstrated proficiency in the use of office systems, software or technical equipment as relevant to the position.
SC4 Capacity to work cooperatively with a range of people including teachers, education support, students and parents.
SC5 A commitment to professional learning and growth.
SC6 A demonstrated commitment to supporting students with a range of learning, behavioural, physical and medical support needs.
[Attendance requirement for this position]
An education support class position at this range will perform tasks that are carried out in accordance with guidelines, accepted practice, and school policy under supervision and direction. This may include coordination of other education support class staff within the work area or educational program.
An education support class position supports the educational services being provided to students but must not include duties of a teacher as defined in clause 2.6.1 of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic) or its successor. Supervision of students can be required individually or in groups up to 4 in controlled circumstances and where the responsibility for students remains clearly with a teacher.
Certification and/or qualifications of up to three years can be required at this level (noting that Registered Nurse is not included at this level, the first level for which is Level 1 range 3).
A role at this range may include:
An education support class position at this range commencing at the base will initially be limited to undertaking routine tasks that are carried out under close supervision and direction. Work that carries some degree of independence will generally involve a limited number of tasks performed on a regular basis where priorities are clear, procedures are well established, and direction is readily available. Subject to any specific qualification and/or training requirement, an education support class employee employed in this range may be progressively required to undertake coordination, specialised student/teacher support tasks, or technical tasks as experience in the role is gained.
- Assist students on an individual or group basis in specific learning areas.
- Assist with the communication between students and teachers, particularly the interpretation of instructions.
- Provide basic physical and emotional care for students.
- Participate in team meetings.
- Assist with toileting, meals, lifting, and administration of medication to students requiring special care.
- Assist with the supervision of pupils in playgrounds, at camps, on excursions, in sporting activities, therapy activities and life skills.
- Assist in the preparation of student resources and equipment.
- Prepare basic curriculum support resources.
- Set up and put away equipment and materials in support of teaching programs.
- Observe students and draw the attention of the teacher to them where necessary.
- Participate in the monitoring and evaluation of programs and evaluation of individual student involvement and achievement.
- Assist with communication between teachers and non-English speaking parents/students.
- Assist in the translation of documents.
- Assist students with the preparation and service of meals.
- Ensure work areas and materials, equipment and appliances are maintained in a clean and ready to use condition.
- Assist in the preparation of equipment and purchasing of materials and supplies as required.
Individuals with the aptitude, experience and/or qualifications to fulfill the specific requirements of the position.
Applicants seeking part-time employment are encouraged to apply for any teaching service position and, if they are the successful candidate, request a reduced time fraction. Such requests will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis and will be subject to the operational requirements of the school.
The Department of Education is committed to the principles of equal opportunity, and diversity and inclusion for all. We value diversity and inclusion in all forms - gender, religion, ethnicity, LGBTIQ+, disability and neurodiversity. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for roles within the Department. The Department recognises that the provision of family friendly, supportive, safe and harassment free workplaces is essential to high performance and promotes flexible work, diversity and safety across all schools and Department workplaces. It is our policy to provide reasonable adjustments for persons with a disability (see Workplace adjustment guidelines).
Additional support and advice on the recruitment process is available to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders from the Koorie Outcomes Division (KOD) via marrung@education.vic.gov.au
Victorian government schools are child safe environments. Our schools actively promote the safety and wellbeing of all students, and all school staff are committed to protecting students from abuse or harm in the school environment, in accordance with their legal obligations including child safe standards. All schools have a Child Safety Code of Conduct consistent with the department's exemplar available at:
The department's employees commit to upholding the department's Values: Responsiveness, Integrity, Impartiality, Accountability, Respect, Leadership and Human Rights. The department's Values complement each school's own values and underpin the behaviours the community expects of Victorian public sector employees, including those who work in Victorian Government Schools. Information on the department values is available at:
Part time / From 28/01/2025 - 26/01/2027
Ed Support Level 1-Range 2
Bree Campey | 03 9743 4966